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Player: 85455 Level: 29.83 (Rank 101) Economy: 3,755 Account: Free Account Age: 2,032 Days | if i had a single breath, i'd use it to tell you i love you footprints in the sand messages ephermal sent to the winds faint echos imagination or real one can only imagine sweet warm embers of love extinguished not by time kept eternally lit from magic unseen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK4oNOE4V6s i sing to you, or you to me? or both? some words don't fit, but the feel of the song, i think, surely does... except for 18Aug-28Aug2021, i still log daily.. just to check that someone is okay... Love doesn't give up... viela en attendant Aout 2022 | |
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